Automatic Automated Email Setup
No Work, 100% Control

All you have to do is sign up and start sending

Cold email made Easy

For a simple monthly subscription you get access to a cold email system that would take weeks to learn.

EAsy access

Email Accounts Accounts Come Fully Set Up and Imported

After you sign up you'll recieve access to your own custom smartlead account with your emails already setup and imported.


Your Account Will Be Delivered Ready To Run Campaigns

When you recieve access to your custom Smartlead account it everything will already be prepared for you to start running email campaigns.

Everything You Need

Every Month You'll Receive a List with 5,000 Leads

Every month we'll provide you with a lead list with contacts at companies in the niche you're targeting with information like their name, email address, company, and position so you have the neccesary data to run succesful campaigns.

Save Yourself Hours
of Research

You no longer have to spend hours and hours watching videos on how to properly set up cold email infrastructure and following the tedious process.

Know For Certain Your Emails Are Set Up Correctly

You can be confident that the results of your campaigns reflect your offer and not the fact that your emails aren't being delivered because you made a mistake setting them up.

All The Tools You Need To Get Results Like A Pro

In addition to having your domains and emails set up you get monthly email lists of contacts in your niche of choice to reach out in your campaigns.  

No Obligations, Cancel Anytime

You can avoid getting locked into yearly contracts for domain and email accounts and pay month to month for everything.

Automated Email Simplified

You have the ability to reach thousands of prospects without having to manage domains, email, automation and software subscriptions. 

Everything Included

Properly Setup Domains
Custom Outlook Email Accounts
DNS Setup Verification
Custom Smartlead Account
Send Up to 20K Emails a month  
Monthly Lead List with 5,000 Emails

You No Longer Have To

Buy Domain Subscripions
Set Up Domains
Buy Email Account Subscriptions
Setup Email Accounts
Verify DNS Records
Buy Smartlead Subscription
Import Emails Into Smartlead
Buy Lead Lists
Wonder If You Did Things Correctly

Get Started Today

Free 5 Day Course

Enter your email below to sign up for a free 5 day course on how you can use cold email to make your company more money

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